Northwest Skin Specialists
Northwest Skin Specialists
1229 Madison, Suite 1290, Seattle , WA 98104
Front Desk & Appointment Desk: (206) 315-4600
Administration & Billing: (206) 315-4603
Fax: (206) 315-4601

Laser Hair Removal

The key to successful hair removal is destroying the entire follicle, down to the bulb and its germinating centers, while preserving surrounding healthy tissue. Destroying the hair follicle during its active growth cycle is another key to producing long-term hair reduction. Consequently, multiple treatments scheduled several weeks or months apart are typically required to achieve optimal results.

Lasers and IPL light sources gently remove unwanted hair based on the principle of selective photothermolyisis. This refers to the process whereby light energy causes thermal injury to the hair follicle. The light penetrates through the skin and is absorbed in the target pigment (melanin) found in the hair shaft. This energy absorbed in the shaft causes the temperature to reach a sufficiently high level in the hair follicle so that the targeted hair structures are destroyed and regrowth is inhibited.

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