Washington Skin and Laser Center
Washington Skin and Laser Center
1270 SW William Ave.
Chehalis, WA 98532
Receptionist available Tuesday through Saturday, 9:00am until 3:30pm at
(360) 748-8814 Ext. 100.

Laser Hair Removal
For fast, easy removal of unsightly and unwanted hair.

The Profile ClearScan laser brings a new approach to laser hair removal. ClearScan contains an infrared laser that can selectively target microsturctures such as hair follicles. It is very effective for lighter skin types and because of the relatively low absorption of this light by melanin, it is the best choice when treating darker skin types and in fact, all skin types I through IV can be treated with the ClearScan laser. Additionally, the ability to safely treat sun-tanned skin makes this the treatment of choice for active individuals.

What happens during hair removal treatment?

The ClearScan laser selectively targets your hair follicles and heats them with infrared energy. Unlike other processes, the laser beam treats many hairs at once, making treatment of large areas practical. The ClearScan employs a unique computer guided scanning system that automates the treatment, ensuring that your skin is rapidly and evenly treated.

How many treatments will I need?

You may require 4-8 treatments at 6 weeks intervals. There are three phases of hair growth – anagen, catagen, and telogen. Only hairs in the active growth phase, anagen, can be successfully treated.

What should I expect after treatment?

Some redness and slight swelling may be present in the area that has been treated; however, this should subside within a few hours.

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