Clear Choice Skin Solutions & Laser Clinic
Clear Choice Skin Solutions & Laser Clinic
1800 Cooper Point Rd SW, Bldg 2A
Olympia, WA 98502
Hair Removal
We now have two hair removal lasers to achieve maximum results for all skin types.
Sciton Long Pulsed 1064 Nd:Yag
This Laser System delivers a unique combination of laser parameters and contact cooling protection. The Sciton laser system represents a new simplicity in a state-of-the art package. The features of this laser allows for the treatment of patients of ALL skin types with uncompromising safety and efficacy:
Comet powered by elos
The Comet by Syneron is unlike any laser and lightbased technologies which use only one energy source, elos combines diode laser and bipolar radio frequency to get superior results with lower optical energy output which means the hightest level of safety and better comfort for you.
Clinical studies have shown this new technology is a fast, effective, and safe way to remove unwanted hair. A series of five treatments done at six to ten week intervals are recommended for best results.
Laser Hair Removal Hints for Effective Permanent Hair Removal:
-Best results usually requires 6-7 treatments
-Hair follicles can remain in resting stage for up to 9 months
-Only actively growing hair follicles will be removed
-There should be 9 months between the 1st and last treatments
-Laser hair removal is most effective during the early growing phase of the hair follicle
-Thicker darker hair responds better than fine lighter hair
-Tanned skin blocks laser light from reaching hair follicle reducing effectiveness
-Shave prior to your treatments
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