LaserMD Edmonds
221 4th Ave N
Edmonds, WA 98020
Laser Hair Reduction
“The newer lasers safely and effectively reduce unwanted
hair from your face and body regardless of your skin type.â€
- Dr. Kathryn Upton, LaserMD LLC, with credit to
Are you tired of waxing and shaving? Ready for real results? LaserMD, LLC, uses the latest lasers to effectively reduce unwanted hair. We treat legs, under-arms, facial hair, back, and bikini line with lasers targeted to effectively work for your skin and hair color.
Call for your complimentary consultation at LaserMD, LLC, at 425-672-1064.
For further information on the safety and efficacy of laser hair reduction, see the MayoClinic research:
Factors that affect laser hair reduction are:
It is best to shave the night before a treatment to prepare the area for the laser, but do not pluck, wax or use depilatories two weeks before treatment.
*Hair color:
Lasers are designed to remove hair based on targeting pigment. Blonde, white or gray hair cannot be treated. The darker the hair the more effectively it is treated. Light brown hairs will require more treatments than dark brown or black hair.
*Hair thickness:
The thick, darker hairs have more pigment available for the laser light to strike, and so they will require fewer treatments. Thin, soft hairs of the upper lip area will be more difficult to treat compared to the hairs in the chin or bikini area.
*Skin color:
The darker the skin, whether tanned or naturally pigmented, the more difficult to treat the hair without targeting the pigment in the skin. Special lasers can effectively differentiate between the skin and the hair, and even then highly trained personnel must adjust the laser settings accordingly. Ultimately the darker the skin the more treatments may be required to safely remove the hair. LaserMD uses the most technologically advanced laser to differentiate skin color to maximize efficacy and safety.
*Growing hair:
Lasers can treat hair only in the active growing stage. Each area of our body cycles differently. Patients are advised to wait from 4-6 weeks between treatments to maximize treating hair that is no longer dormant but in a growth stage.
We recommend that our patients have no significant sun exposure 2 weeks prior to treatment. Base tans will make your treatments more uncomfortable and increase your chance of unwanted side effects, but our lasers can be adjusted for your tanned skin.
Waxing, depilatory creams and tweezing are all temporary methods that must be repeated on a regular basis and will greatly diminish the effectiveness of your treatments. If there is no hair at the time of your treatment because of waxing or tweezing, then there is no target for the laser. We recommend no waxing or tweezing for 2 weeks prior to treatment.
Additionally, self tanners may not be used at any time during laser treatments.
