Little Mountain Laser
Little Mountain Laser LLC
17879 Valley Ridge Lane
Mount Vernon, WA 98274
Laser Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removal offers permanent hair reduction all body areas for men and women. Our state of the art Candela Gentlelase Laser is the most effective type of hair reduction laser available. Laser hair removal can be performed on facial hair, underarms, bikini lines, legs, back, buttocks, toes, and more! No more shaving bumps or rashes! Be sure to read our Pre-Laser Instructions before you get your treatment.
Pricing Information
Pricing Per Treatment. Approx. 6 treatments are needed depending on your hair type and degree of reduction desired. 6th treatment is FREE! Custom packages are available.
Small Body Area $100
Areas such as the "monobrow", toes, chin only, lip only,
ears, nose, nipples, or "happy trail"
Medium Body Area A $150
Areas such as full face (includes under the chin, but not lower neck), armpits, or penis
Medium Body Area B $200
Areas such as bikini line including upper edge of the thigh, lower legs, or full face including full front of neck
Large Body Area A $250
Areas such as bare (or nearly bare) bikini with a strip up the back ("Brazilian" = area a thong would cover), thighs, or buttocks
Large Body Area B $350
Area covered by "boy shorts" (full buttocks, Brazilian, below navel)
Large Body Area C $400
Area such as back or chest / abdomen
Extra Large Body Area $450
Areas such as full legs
©2005 - 2009 Little Mountain Laser, LLC
