Northwest Face
Northwest Face
3100 Carillon Point
Kirkland WA 98033
We have technology that provides permanent hair reduction.
Hair removal works by destroying a hair follicle down to the bulb and destroying its germinating centers.
There are a few considerations that need to be addressed:
1. Preservation of the surrounding skin while destroying the hair follicle. The key to this is called "selective photothermolyisis," which refers to the process whereby light causes only specific injury. In the case of hair removal, the light is tuned to transmit through the skin while being absorbed by a target (a pigment called melanin found in the hair shaft). The absorbed light causes the temperature in the hair follicle to reach a sufficiently high level so that the targeted structures are destroyed and regrowth is inhibited.
2. Hair follicles go through different phases. At any one time only some of the hairs are in the growth phase. Since photothermolysis works best during this growth phase, multiple treatments (scheduled several weeks or months apart) are typically required to achieve optimal results.
3. Melanin is also present in the skin, so caution must be taken to prevent collateral epidermal damage. This can be controlled by specifying a variety of treatment parameters., and the hand-piece used should cool the skin to minimize such potential problems.
A professional Dermatologist needs to evaluate your skin type (I-VI), any tanning and other considerations. Using the appropriate treatment parameters, however, people with all skin types can benefit from laser hair removal with the LightSheer.
The procedure is well tolerated because the chill tip feels like a cold spoon pressed against the skin. For those that are sensitive, we include a potent numbing cream as part of the treatment so that the treatment can be pain free. The treatment is relatively brief taking only a few minutes for small areas.
Patients may use depilatories (Nair, Neet...), hair bleach and shaving between treatments if they choose to. However, we recommend that patients refrain from pulling the hair out of the follicles (i.e. no plucking or waxing). A freshly shaved area prior to treatment works best.
After Laser Hair treatment with the LightSheer, the individual hair follicles can be pink for a few days. In general, about 20% of the hairs are killed in one treatment; however, almost all of the hairs are stunned into falling out. After two weeks, most of the hair falls out leaving very smooth skin. Over the next weeks to months, the hairs that were not killed start to grow again, that is the time for the next treatment.
Our clinic at Northwest Face in Kirkland has safely and effectively treated patients for years using this technology. It works predictably well.
Call us if you have any questions or to make an appointment at 425-576-1700.
Frequently asked questions about our new Hair Removal Laser, the LightSheer:
Q: How does the LightSheer Diode Laser System work?
A: Near-infrared laser light is attracted to the pigment located in the hair follicle. The laser is pulsed, or turned on, for only a fraction of a second. Each pulse is just long enough to damage the follicle, while the system's unique, patented contact-cooling handpiece, the ChillTip, helps protect the skin by conductive cooling during the laser energy delivery. Each patient can also use topical numbing cream for added comfort.
Q: What advantages does the LightSheer have over other laser hair removal systems?
A: The LightSheer Diode Laser System was designed only for laser hair removal, so it has the wavelength, fluence, pulse width, and active epidermal cooling system, named the ChillTip, ideally designed for laser hair removal. The system is small and compact, and its solid state construction makes it durable, and the state-of-the-art user interface makes it easy to use.
Lumenis has invented and manufactured medical and cosmetic lasers for more than 30 years, and has unmatched service and support ranging from extensive training to 24-hour replacement service.
Q: Why use the LightSheer Diode Laser System rather than older lasers?
A: The LightSheer Diode Laser System is designed for comfortable treatment, minimal risk of infection, speed and accuracy. The unique cooling handpiece minimizes skin irritation that other methods may create. Since it is non-invasive - no needles to penetrate the skin -the risk of introducing bacteria into the skin is negligible. Due to the system’s speed, larger areas can be treated much more efficiently. Finally, the LightSheer Diode Laser is a precise instrument that can be adjusted to damage only the hair follicle while minimally affecting the surrounding skin.
Q: Does the LightSheer work on tanned or different skin colors?
A: Yes, the LightSheer diode laser system safely and effectively treats all skin types and tanned skin. Older lasers were generally useful only for Caucasian skin because they left uneven color behind on darker skin types and tans. Appropriate treatment levels are generally lower and appropriate pulse widths are generally longer to prevent damage to the epidermis.
Q: Where is hair commonly removed?
A: Facial hair, such as beards, mustaches, and ears. Body hair, such as armpits, arms, backs, legs, and necklines and bikini lines can all be treated to be free of excess hair or to lighten the amount of hair. Freshly shaving the areas before treatment, not plucking or waxing, is ideal.
Q: How many treatments are needed?
A: About 20% of your hair is in a growth phase at any given time, and these hairs have a stronger blood supply which is the target for the laser light. Once the next 20% of your hair will next come into a growth phase, a new treatment is called for. Also note that hairs in different areas of your body have longer or shorter growth cycles, which determines how often a treatment is needed. For example, the face will need monthly treatments, and legs will take about 10 week intervals. Thus, the minimum theoretical number would be 6, but you can realistically expect to need up to 10 (or even 12).
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