Olympic Dermatology & Laser Clinic
Olympic Dermatology & Laser Clinic
424 Lilly Road NE, Suite A,
Olympia, WA 98506
Permanent Laser Hair Removal & Hair Reduction
Our initial entry into hair removal began with an FDA study in 1997. The study evaluated an Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) device and in 2003 we updated our practice with the addition of a state-of-the-art Light Sheerâ„¢ Diode laser. Since then, Dr. Brazil and his laser specialists have performed thousands of photoepilation (hair removal) procedures on all hair colors, hair textures and skin types. Our experience and our advanced laser provide a unique advantage to our patients, unrivaled by other clinics in Washington.
What is the EpiLightâ„¢ Hair Removal System and the LT Sheer System?
The Light Sheerâ„¢ Laser System is a non-invasive light therapy device specifically designed to eliminate undesired hair from the body. This type of hair removal is called photoepilation. The Light Sheerâ„¢ Diode laser emits an invisible, highly concentrated beam of light at an 810nm wavelength with treatment parameters individualized according to skin color, hair color, and hair shaft diameter.
How do these systems work to remove hair?
The Light Sheerâ„¢ Diode laser has an advanced cooling system that cools the skin prior to the pulse of laser light. First, a cool gel and a hand-held treatment unit are applied to the skin. Then, pulses of light safely penetrate the skin and disable hundreds of hair follicles simultaneously. When the gel is wiped off, some of the hair is removed with it. The remaining hair in the treated area falls out within 2 weeks. Darker hairs do respond more effectively than lighter colored hair. White, grey, and blond and red hairs are usually resistant to treatment due to reduction of pigment. The Light Sheerâ„¢ Diode is proven to produce permanent hair reduction on a wide range of hair colors and skin types.
LightSheer Laser System ~ Setting the Standard for Hair Removal
The Light Sheerâ„¢ system was designed from the ground up for effective hair removal, providing unsurpassed safety and efficacy, reliability, and ease-of-use. Its advanced high-power diode technology delivers high fluence combined with a large spot size, user-selected pulse width, aggressive contact cooling and compression for high-performance, unmatched by other high-tech hair removal systems. Both in rigorous scientific trials as well as extensive clinical practice, Light Sheerâ„¢ system has emerged as the gold standard in laser hair removal.
Can all parts of the body be treated?
Yes. These hair removal light systems can remove hair from all parts of the body, including the chin, upper lip, cheeks, legs, arms, underarms, and back; and sensitive areas, like the ears, nose, chest, and bikini line. The exception would be treatment around or between the brows and mucous membranes.
What is the treatment like?
During photoepilation, when the laser light is delivered, there may be a mild sting or pinch similar to the snap of a rubber band. No anesthesia or pain medication is required; however, topical anesthetic cream is available to reduce the discomfort.
Are there any side effects?
Our clinical experience and follow-ups have shown that most people can return to work immediately or at least within an hour, depending on the site and the extent of the procedure. Usually there is some redness after the procedure, but that disappears quickly. Make-up can be applied later that day if desired.
How many treatments will I need?
We have found that most people respond in approximately 4-8 treatments, depending on the color of the hair, the location and your skin type. Everyone responds differently and this is the average we see at our office. In fact, one area on your body may respond quicker than another area.
Will I have scarring?
There is always a risk of a crust, scab, or blister developing; however, we have encountered minimal side effects. Scarring would be a very rare occurrence. Further information about the risks and benefits will be shared with you during your consultation.
When can I exercise?
You can exercise as soon as you feel comfortable and have the opportunity. Usually within an hour or so.
When can I go in the sun?
It is extremely important that during your hair removal treatments, you do not engage in active sun exposure (outdoors or in a tanning salon). If melanocytes (the cells that cause our skin to tan) in the skin become activated, there is a greater risk of burn during treatment. One needs to refrain from active sun exposure for 4 weeks prior to a treatment. Also, application of a tanning product is limited to 2 weeks prior to a schedule appointment. A burn can cause a change in skin color or a scar. Always wear sunscreen for any normal daily activities.
What is the cost?
Our price varies depending on the body site and number of treatments. It can run from $125 to $500 per treatment. During your consultation, we can discuss our fee schedule and treatment packages that we offer to make it very affordable and convenient for you.
Will my insurance cover this?
No, self-payment is required. We will not bill insurance for hair removal.
How does Light Sheerâ„¢ treatment compare with electrolysis?
Electrolysis is a tedious, invasive, and painful process that involves inserting a needle into each hair follicle and delivering an electrical charge to destroy them. Electrolysis often requires years of treatments at regular intervals. LT Sheerâ„¢ non-invasively treats hundreds of hair follicles simultaneously. So, in a few minutes, this laser system can effectively treat an area that would take over an hour with electrolysis.
Is it permanent?
Yes. The Light Sheerâ„¢ Diode laser has FDA clearance for permanent hair reduction. Most patients have at least 50% to 90% permanent reduction of the dark hair with 4 to 8 treatments. Resistant hair is usually lighter in color and/or finer in texture. Some patients, due to hormonal or genetic influences, may periodically need retreatments to maintain their improvement.
Hair removal requires a knowledge of hair follicle anatomy, metabolic / genetic / hormonal influences, and laser- tissue interactions. Your best results come with direct physician and nurse involvement and with advanced photoepilation techniques : Experience counts!
For additional information we encourage you to schedule a private free hair removal consultation with our laser specialist by calling 360-459-1700.
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